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14 Plus NM team
Canal House Level 1
29-29 Mary Street
Newry BT34 2AA
Telephone 028 308  32253

Emily Newbold DOB 30.10.2006.
Date meeting: Wednesday 29th May 2024
Venue Bocombra Lodge, 2 Old Lurgan Road, Portadown BY63 5BW

Date of letter 10th May 2024

Dear Mrs Ruth Pearson (Unlawful Person)

I hope this letter finds you well, although I must express my grave concern regarding the continued unlawful holding of my daughter in Northern Ireland. As I have previously brought to your attention through the following links: [ and], the situation remains unresolved despite repeated attempts to address it.

Clinical & Social Care Governance Officer 5ED January 8, 2024 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Meeting with (videos not included in letter only links provided)

Southern H&SC Trust, Children & Young People’s Services, Edenderry House, 18 Gilford Road, Portadown BT63 You seem to be employing a Yuri Bezmenov Waged propaganda exercise of hate concerning these half a million children which this causes worse than misery, when areas are no go in Northern Ireland and children are being killed in daylight according to the press in a neighboring city to Newry. Is this one million children abduction a hate related crime for the potato famine that was alleged waged in Ireland by the English landowner’s potato famine. There must be this reason as you clearly have not offered anything up. By approximation at least seven people are affected by one child abduction when according to all reports Norther Ireland is overcrowded. I don’t know what else to say when Laura should have been arrested and serving a jail sentence instead of being here in breach of GDPR which she likes to band about my daughter operating a meeting for an organization for which she does not hold an email address for. For twelve years you have known about my daughter’s family’s location and provided one LAC meeting over that whole period in which you said you were going to evidence something Emily said. When you just fabricated documents. Are these LAC meetings supposed to be about Emily and why is she does not present at any of them? I would point out again you have not given anything to prove you have my daughter under section 50(A) or any evidence that she is even alive. Don’t you feel ashamed as all you do is to be unlawful to protect your brand of social care at all costs of human misery. Richie Allen Show Ben Gilroy interview (… Meeting Agenda Date/ Time: 8 January 2023 at 2pm Venue: via MS teams Attendees Invited: Martin Newbold, Service User Laura Spiers, Clinical & Social Care Governance Co-ordinator Ruth Pearson, Head of Service. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Purpose of meeting/ Objectives 3. Safe Space 4. Role of facilitator 5. Expectation 6. Overview of correspondence 7. Issues of complaint for discussion: 8. Summary of discussion 9. Any agreed actions 10. Conclusion ________________________________________________________________________Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 357 449 235 055

Video on license from Martin Newbold

LAC Meeting with Emily Looked After Review the only one conducted in 12 years. (videos not included in letter only links provided)

Southern H&SC Trust, Children & Young People’s Services, Edenderry House, 18 Gilford Road, Portadown BT63 Meeting Agenda Date/ Time:30 October 2023 at 4pm Venue: via MS teams Attendees Invited: Martin Newbold, Service User Anita Dennison (Social Worker 14Plus Team) Laura Carson (Chair) Dannielle Gibson (Social Worker 14Plus Team) Ruth Pearson actual Chair indicated on paperwork. Marry McMahone (St Paul’s High School)

Video on license from Martin Newbold

It is deeply distressing to witness the blatant disregard for legal and ethical standards in the treatment of my daughter. Our organization ‘The Stealing of Emily’ has meticulously documented the breaches of Section 20 and Section 10 of the Information Commissioner’s regulations, and these violations have been duly reported to the investigation unit at the Cabinet Office.

Furthermore, I am troubled by the apparent lack of accountability within your organization. It is alarming to learn that my daughter, along with approximately 500,000 other children, is receiving education within a college system sponsored by the European Union, yet critical stakeholders such as Campus Business Managers are uncontactable. Additionally, the absence of counsellors or ecclesiastical personnel on-site raises serious questions about the welfare and safety of the students entrusted to your care.

As a concerned parent, I implore you to take immediate action to rectify this egregious situation. My daughter’s well-being and her fundamental rights as a citizen are at stake, and it is imperative that your organization fulfills its legal obligations without further delay.

I write to you once again with deep concern over the information being disseminated from your office, which regrettably appears to be nothing short of propaganda. As I previously conveyed, the materials provided lack of transparency and fail to address the pressing issues at hand.

It is perplexing that despite my explicit inquiries, your office continues to evade providing clear definitions, particularly regarding the cohort to which I belong. It is worth noting that your March Budget of 2024 referenced the Family Law cohort, yet there persists a deliberate obfuscation surrounding this matter. Why, I ask, would you redirect my inquiries to resources that have already been acknowledged by your own Chancellor of the Exchequer as ineffective?

The conduct exhibited by your office and its affiliates is nothing short of reprehensible. It is disheartening to witness such flagrant disregard for accountability and transparency. Furthermore, the indifference displayed by law enforcement authorities only compounds the gravity of the situation. It appears that their priorities lie elsewhere, as they demonstrate a lack of urgency in addressing the unlawful practices perpetuated by your office.

In the face of such systemic negligence, it becomes increasingly evident that meaningful reform is desperately needed. The citizens of this nation deserve better than to be subjected to the whims of a bureaucracy that prioritizes self-interest over the welfare of its constituents.

My Member of Parliament is claiming the police on our crime commissioners council tax increased yet there is not one indication that the 40,000 extra police are even on the street, when the Police 101 email account is currently blocked.

I am compelled to highlight the continued unlawful behaviour within Hastings Borough Council and East Sussex. It is important to clarify that this misconduct primarily stems from non-elected officers rather than elected officials. Despite the Member of Parliaments administration’s bailout of East Sussex to the tune of 5.9 million pounds, purportedly to address issues such as child abduction, the systemic problems persist.

I must express my bewilderment at the expectations placed upon me to attend a meeting in Northern Ireland in May 2024. How do you anticipate my presence at this meeting when it is abundantly clear that my daughter, the very subject of these proceedings, will not be in attendance? The disconnect between your directives and the realities of our situation is staggering.

It is disheartening to note the ineffectiveness of your Information Rights team, which appears to be nothing more than a facade. Despite numerous cases brought before them, they have consistently failed to take meaningful action. The ongoing refusal of the interim director to provide a DNA sample for my daughter Emily only serves to underscore the gross negligence and incompetence within your organization. Such blatant disregard for the truth is reprehensible and undermines any semblance of accountability.

From the outset, it appears that your intentions toward my family have been malicious. Your responses to my inquiries have been nothing short of propagandistic, further exacerbating an already distressing situation. I fervently hope that my daughter, Emily, is alive and well, though you have provided no evidence to support this assertion. It is my sincere wish that she is causing you as much anguish as you have caused us.

Yours Sincerely

Martin Newbold (Director)

15 Valley Side Road

Ore Village


East Sussex TN355AD

Distribution List Public to fantasy Young Pearson in Review



DATE 5/8/2024 7:33:50AM

Status Submitted

Questions 1 through 26 served upon you as unanswered complaints.

Mr Martin Newbold
15 Valleyside Road
Hastings East Sussex

Questions 1 to 24 as complaint:

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One response to “Letter to a fantasy Young Person in Review.”

  1. Family Law Challenges: Addressing Trauma and Neglect | Social Work England – Avatar

    […] Person in Review,” published on May 10, 2024, on (accessible at, discusses the critical feedback from young people in care regarding the Lack of Care (LAC) […]


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