Social Work England
1 North Bank, Blonk Street
Sheffield, S3 8JY
United Kingdom

23rd May 2024

Dear Social Work England,et al

I appreciate your acknowledgment of my recent correspondence and understand the current high volume of enquiries and applications. In your response, you stated:

“Thank you for emailing Social Work England, the specialist regulator for the social work profession. We are experiencing higher volumes of enquiries and applications at this time which may cause our response time to be longer. We ask that you do not send multiple emails as this will only delay responses further. We will not respond to queries regarding application timescales or general updates on applications.”

However, I must express my concern regarding your effectiveness in handling my requests. Despite multiple attempts to seek an investigation into my cases, I have received inadequate responses and no meaningful action. This lack of attention contradicts the expectation of a specialist regulatory body.

“Let the urgent outcry of neglected voices serve as the alarm that awakens us to the systemic failures within our social services and family law systems. Ignoring their pleas only perpetuates the trauma and injustice they endure. As echoed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the cohort of aggrieved parents in family law will not be forgotten; their cries for justice will be heard, and their plight will be avenged.”

To illustrate the gravity of the situation, I refer you to the analysis detailed on “Effects and Implications of Outsourcing Children’s Care in England” available at This document highlights serious misconduct within social services, particularly the outsourcing of children’s care, which has caused significant trauma to my family. Unfortunately, this trauma remains unacknowledged and unresolved.

Additionally, the article “A decade of outsourcing in health and social care in England: What was it meant to achieve?” by Anders Bach-Mortensen, Benjamin Goodair, and Christine Corlet Walker, published on 21 May 2024 in Social Policy & Administration, further underscores the adverse effects of outsourcing on the quality of care provided to children. This comprehensive study, accessible via, reveals that outsourcing has often led to fragmented services and reduced accountability, exacerbating the challenges faced by affected families.

Moreover, the recent article “Over 100,000 Children Trapped in Family Courts” published on April 5, 2024, on (accessible at sheds light on the extensive issues within the family court system. The article emphasizes the profound impact these systemic failures have on children and families, further highlighting the urgent need for regulatory intervention and reform.

Furthermore, the article “The Express Sex-Up Abuse Claims” published on April 29, 2024, on (accessible at exposes the alarming practice of exaggerating abuse claims. This practice not only distorts the reality of the situation but also undermines genuine cases of abuse, contributing to the trauma experienced by families. The article details how such sensationalism in the media can negatively influence public perception and the handling of cases within social services and family courts.

Additionally, the survey results discussed in “Empowerment Through Participation: Shedding Light on Family Law Challenges,” published on May 22, 2024, on (accessible at reveal significant dissatisfaction among families navigating the family law system. From the current results of 100 responses, key findings include:

  • 90% of respondents reported feeling inadequately supported by social services during their legal proceedings.
  • 85% of respondents indicated a lack of transparency and clear communication from the agencies involved.
  • 75% of families experienced significant emotional distress due to prolonged court cases and unresponsive caseworkers.
  • 70% of respondents felt that their concerns were not taken seriously, contributing to a sense of helplessness and frustration.
  • 60% of respondents reported a perception of bias and unfair treatment within the family court system, further eroding trust in the process.

Moreover, the article “Letter to Fantasy Young Person in Review,” published on May 10, 2024, on (accessible at, discusses the critical feedback from young people in care regarding the Lack of Care (LAC) reviews. This piece underscores the systemic failures in listening to and acting on the concerns of the young people these services are supposed to protect. Key issues highlighted include:

  • A widespread feeling of neglect among young people, with many reporting that their voices are not heard during LAC reviews.
  • A lack of meaningful participation, where young people feel that their input does not influence outcomes or decisions about their care.
  • Emotional and psychological impact, with many young people feeling disenfranchised and ignored, leading to long-term trust issues with social services and authorities.

This article emphasizes the importance of genuinely engaging young people in their care processes and ensuring that their feedback leads to tangible changes. The repeated failure to address these concerns points to a systemic issue within the review process itself.

I urge you to review these analyses and address the issues raised with the seriousness they deserve. The ongoing trauma and lack of resolution for my family must be addressed promptly.

I look forward to your prompt and substantive response.

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