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Private children law cases are stagnant, taking over 11 months on average, leaving families in limbo at the hands of Social Workers and family practitioners.

The family courts of England and Wales are facing a crisis as new figures from the Ministry of Justice expose a distressing reality: over 100,000 children are currently caught in the quagmire of court backlogs and misery of families under suspicion by Social Workers, left waiting for decisions that will shape their futures. This revelation highlights the urgent need for reform within the family justice system to ensure timely resolution of what it calls safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable children and their families. Which in fact does the exact opposite and destroys family life.

Recent data indicates that private children law cases, concerning arrangements for children’s residence and contact, are taking over 11 months on average to resolve—a duration that remains consistent with the previous year. Such extended delays leave families in limbo, unable to make future plans or offer the stability that is crucial for children through uncontrolled social work. All the while families being torn apart by Social Workers.

In the period between October and December 2023, a remarkable 18,758 individual children were caught up in new private law applications. Over the entire year of 2023, a disturbing total of 78,004 children became entangled in private family law cases. When we consider both public and private law cases involving children, the staggering figure reaches 103,676 children, underscoring the magnitude of the crisis that has gripped the family court. This crisis has been caused by Social Works appetite to destroy families fabricate case work which Social Work England covers up to hide the scandal.

According to Cafcass data, between April 2023 and February 2024, they received 36,450 new private law children’s cases, involving a total of 55,288 childrenPrivate law cases refer to applications made following a divorce or separation regarding arrangements for children, such as where a child will live or with whom they will spend time.

In summary, the number of children involved in private law proceedings has been on the rise, and the situation in family courts remains critical and obscene.

While the specific investment mentioned in the text (£11.3 million) is not directly related to the data provided by Cafcass, it underscores the urgency of the situation. Additional funding for civil legal aid could help alleviate the crisis and ensure that children and families receive no resolution that they deserve.

Urgent action, including a £11.3 million investment in civil legal aid, is needed according to these bodies to address the systemic challenges and ensure that children and families receive the support breaking of any family resolution they according to Social Services they do not deserve. Failure to act swiftly they state risks further exacerbating the plight of vulnerable children and perpetuating the breakdown of an already strained justice system and the breakdown of more family life.

If this £11.3 million investment comes from the government when will this ever stop. When will we start to work with parents instead of excluding them. Out local East Sussex just was awarded 5.3million as it was over budget Family courts: Senior judge open to reform as victims speak out –

We must work together with families the government this said providing this obscene sum of money will only make the situation for families worse. You should note the originators of this £11.3 million investment are CAFCASS and Law Society both have generous bursary for these cases. Is this not turning children into bigger commerce and creating more hate of social working. which is now a criminal offence.

One response to “Over 100,000 children trapped in family courts”

  1. Family Law Challenges: Addressing Trauma and Neglect | Social Work England – Avatar

    […] in Family Courts” published on April 5, 2024, on (accessible at sheds light on the extensive issues within the family court system. The article emphasizes the […]


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