The books in this series and pages walk you through what your family needs to know and is an exposé of those who wish to do it harm. The first book details The Stealing of Emily through the court system, which is a process that abducts children from no-fault parents. It’s written from our author’s perspective regarding the process and procedures that were put in place to abduct his daughter, Emily. When he took this to the PAHO and informed them all he had learned from the NSPCC, they closed the investigation, which was never conducted properly. The book is written in an unusual way which you are warned will produce an emotional response! After the book was written, it left many questions open for the reader. The second book in this series will put this right and explain why all this is happening. The final book was much larger than planned as the system is so corrupt and therefore, who do you trust? Meeting with Family Court Crisis on Twitter @courtcrises, the weekend ending 22nd January 2024. It was pointed out by experts that they were unsure who to recommend the public families in crisis, as they felt informing social services would endanger the family and result in their children being trafficked. As there was no proper complaint handling or responses to correspondence, Malthusianism propaganda was being operated, and what such did not finish. As was expected, as such the Facebook groups will update readers found as a link in the last book. There may be a later book at a later date.

I hope you can learn from reading them and the posts here.

I should also point out that it in my last book page 26 that Rishi Sunak PM said in answer to Beth Rigbys Question in Dorset, Monday 8 January 2024 20:57 “These things that happened a long time ago it is right that these are looked at appropriately and these stories are appalling. People were treated absolutely appallingly, that is wrong, and we should do everything we can to make it right” So why not in this case for other injustices?[1]

[1] Rishi Sunak may not be behind Post Office scandal


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